Life Members

Nottinghamshire Hockey Association – Honorary Life Members

Mr. R. Appleton, (Mrs J.F. Wall), Mr. M. Keeling and Mrs. J. Keeling, Mr. T. Burch, Mr. A. Barnes, Mr. G. J. Parr, Mrs S. J. Parr, Mrs. C. Atkin, Mr. D. Griffiths

Nottinghamshire Women’s Hockey Association-  Life Members

Mrs I. Aubrey, Mrs J. Brook, Mrs L. Evans, Mrs S. Goldie, Miss G. James, Mr & Mrs Pinkit, Miss J. Ramsden, Miss M. Richardson, Miss K. Sharman, Mrs M. Taylor, Mrs M. Thompson, Mrs J. Walker, Mrs J.F. Wall

Nottinghamshire Men’s Hockey Association – Vice Presidents

V.F.R. Adamson, J.M. Appleby*, R.J. Bendall, T.R.Bowler, C. Cragg, R.O. Douglas, E.R. Downer, M. Elston, P. Garland, B.M. Gilbody, H.S. Giles, M.H. Gotheridge*, G. Griffiths, B. Harmon, J.Z. Harmon, B.R. Hartley, J.S. Hayes, P. Jew, P. Leigh*, G. Lloyd, B.A. Newing, M.I.S. Pearson*, C.R. Scott, J.S. Straw, R.U. Tennyson, A.J. Turk, M.G. Upton, S. Wilkindon

* Denotes Past President of Notts C.H.A.