Newark Hockey Club is hosting a Level 1 Umpiring Course. The course will be held over three evenings and will include the exam on the final evening. The cost of the course includes the England Hockey resources pack, which includes useful information and basic umpiring equipment such as a whistle and cards.
Dates and Times: 8th, 10th and 15th February 2011, 7.00pm-9.30pm
Instructor: Andy Barnes, Level 3 Umpire and Level 1 Umpire Coach
Venue: Dining Hall, Magnus Sports Centre, Earp Avenue, Newark, NG24 4AB
Cost: £49.50 (includes England Hockey resources pack with whistle, cards etc)
Please return the slip on the attached application form with payment by Saturday 15th January 2011.
Return to: Level 1 Umpiring Course, Newark Hockey Club, c/o Susan Tate, The Old Barn, Little Barn Court, Claypole, Newark, NG23 5FA.